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[239] Schmidt-Mende, L., Dyakonov, V., Olthof, S., Ünlü, F., Lê, K.M.T., Mathur, S., Karabanov, A.D., Lupascu, D.C., Herz, L.M., Hinderhofer, A., Schreiber, F., Chernikov, A., Egger, D.A., Shargaieva, O., Cocchi, C., Unger, E., Saliba, M., Byranvand, M.M., Kroll, M., Nehm, F., Leo, K., Redinger, A., Höcker, J., Kirchartz, T., Warby, J., Gutierrez-Partida, E., Neher, D., Stolterfoht, M., Würfel, U., Unmüssig, M., Herterich, J., Baretzky, C., Mohanraj, J., Thelakkat, M., Maheu, C., Jaegermann, W., Mayer, T., Rieger, J., Fauster, T., Niesner, D., Yang, F., Albrecht, S., Riedl, T., Fakharuddin, A., Vasilopoulou, M., Vaynzof, Y., Moia, D., Maier, J., Franckevičius, M., Gulbinas, V., Kerner, R.A., Zhao, L., Rand, B.P., Glück, N., Bein, T., Matteocci, F., Castriotta, L.A., Di Carlo, A., Scheffler, M. & Draxl, C. Roadmap on organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices. APL Materials, 9(10):109202, 2021.
[238] Schmode, P., Hochgesang, A., Goel, M., Meichsner, F., Mohanraj, J., Fried, M. & Thelakkat, M. A Solution-Processable Pristine PEDOT Exhibiting Excellent Conductivity, Charge Carrier Mobility, and Thermal Stability in the Doped State. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, n/a(n/a):2100123, 2021.
[237] Dolynchuk, O., Schmode, P., Fischer, M., Thelakkat, M. & Thurn-Albrecht, T. Elucidating the Effect of Interfacial Interactions on Crystal Orientations in Thin Films of Polythiophenes. Macromolecules, 54(12):5429-5439, 2021.
[236] Mohanraj, J., Singh, C.R., Gujar, T.P., Heinrich, C.D. & Thelakkat, M. Nanostructured Hybrid Metal Mesh as Transparent Conducting Electrodes: Selection Criteria Verification in Perovskite Solar Cells. Nanomaterials, 11(7), 2021.
[235] Krauss, G., Hochgesang, A., Mohanraj, J. & Thelakkat, M. Highly Efficient Doping of Conjugated Polymers Using Multielectron Acceptor Salts. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 42(22):2100443, 2021.
[234] Vigneshwaran, J., Krimalowski, A., Kannan, A.M., Thelakkat, M. & Jose, S.P. MXenes for solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors. In 2D Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, pages 7-1 to 7-34, IOP Publishing, 2021.
[233] Beer, P., Reichstein, P.M., Schötz, K., Raithel, D., Thelakkat, M., Köhler, J., Panzer, F. & Hildner, R. Disorder in P3HT Nanoparticles Probed by Optical Spectroscopy on P3HT-b-PEG Micelles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 125(47):10165-10173, 2021., (PMID: 34797986).
[232] Krauss, G., Meichsner, F., Hochgesang, A., Mohanraj, J., Salehi, S., Schmode, P. & Thelakkat, M. Polydiketopyrrolopyrroles Carrying Ethylene Glycol Substituents as Efficient Mixed Ion-Electron Conductors for Biocompatible Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(20):2010048, 2021.
[231] Maier, J., Weller, T., Thelakkat, M. & Köhler, J. Long-term switching of single photochromic triads based on dithienylcyclopentene and fluorophores at cryogenic temperatures. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155(1):014901, 2021.
[230] Erabhoina, H., Rosenbach, D., Mohanraj, J. & Thelakkat, M. Solid polymer nanocomposite electrolytes with improved interface properties towards lithium metal battery application at room temperature. Electrochimica Acta, 387:138455, 2021.


[229] Ramsperger, A.F.R.M., Narayana, V.K.B., Gross, W., Mohanraj, J., Thelakkat, M., Greiner, A., Schmalz, H., Kress, H. & Laforsch, C. Environmental exposure enhances the internalization of microplastic particles into cells. Science Advances, 6(50), American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2020.
[228] Goel, M., Siegert, M., Krauss, G., Mohanraj, J., Hochgesang, A., Heinrich, D.C., Fried, M., Pflaum, J. & Thelakkat, M. HOMO–HOMO Electron Transfer: An Elegant Strategy for p-Type Doping of Polymer Semiconductors toward Thermoelectric Applications. Advanced Materials, 32(43):2003596, 2020.
[227] Zhong, Y., Hufnagel, M., Thelakkat, M., Li, C. & Huettner, S. Role of PCBM in the Suppression of Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 30(23):1908920, 2020.
[226] Hahn, M., Rosenbach, D., Krimalowski, A., Nazarenus, T., Moos, R., Thelakkat, M. & Danzer, M. Investigating solid polymer and ceramic electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries by means of an extended Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis. Electrochimica Acta, pages 136060, 2020.
[225] Schmode, P., Schötz, K., Dolynchuk, O., Panzer, F., Köhler, A., Thurn-Albrecht, T. & Thelakkat, M. Influence of ω-Bromo Substitution on Structure and Optoelectronic Properties of Homopolymers and Gradient Copolymers of 3-Hexylthiophene. Macromolecules, 53(7):2474-2484, American Chemical Society, 2020.
[224] Schmode, P., Savva, A., Kahl, R., Ohayon, D., Meichsner, F., Dolynchuk, O., Thurn-Albrecht, T., Inal, S. & Thelakkat, M. The Key Role of Side Chain Linkage in Structure Formation and Mixed Conduction of Ethylene Glycol Substituted Polythiophenes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12(11):13029-13039, American Chemical Society, 2020.
[223] Schötz, K., Askar, A.M., Peng, W., Seeberger, D., Gujar, T.P., Thelakkat, M., Köhler, A., Huettner, S., Bakr, O.M., Shankar, K. & Panzer, F. Double peak emission in lead halide perovskites by self-absorption. J. Mater. Chem. C, 8:2289-2300, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
[222] Goel, M. & Thelakkat, M. Polymer Thermoelectrics: Opportunities and Challenges. Macromolecules, 53(10):3632-3642, American Chemical Society, 2020.


[221] Schmode, P., Ohayon, D., Reichstein, P.M., Savva, A., Inal, S. & Thelakkat, M. High-Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors Based on Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Copolymers. Chem. Mater., 31(14):5286-5295, American Chemical Society, 2019.
[220] Mohanraj, J., Stihl, M., Simon, E., von Sicard, O., Schmidt, G., Fleischer, M., Neuber, C. & Thelakkat, M. Li-Salt-Free, Coevaporated Cu(TFSI)2-Doped Hole Conductors for Efficient CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2(5):3469-3478, American Chemical Society, 2019.